The city of Santarém is situated on a plateau, located on the right bank of the Tagus River, 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Lisbon. The economy of the city remains mainly dedicated to the production of agricultural goods.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Póvoa de Varzim 7-4-2016

Olá minha família!!

This sign is close by our house
It's been a rather festive week here in Póvoa de Varzim. I forgot to mention it last week, but this week, the people of Portugal have been celebrating some of the famous Saints like Peter, James, and John; people in the streets, blocked off roads, concerts, fireworks, the whole nine yards. It's here for 2 weeks and sadly, we only decided to check it out in the last few days. :(  To add to the festivities, the European cup is going on and apparently, Portugal is still in, haha. Every time they win, people are out in the streets yelling, and people drive by in their cars, honking the whole way. It's pretty awesome in a crazy sort of way! We don't even have to be watching to follow the games. We'll be walking through a neighborhood and we'll hear everyone cheer, and we'll know Portugal scored, or we'll hear everyone moan, and we'll know the other team scored haha. It's cool to see how into it everyone is.

Viana do Castello

On Tuesday, I held my first District Meeting as District Leader. It was kinda weird cuz there were only 4 of us. In Aveiro, there were 8 of us, now there's only 4, but it's all good. The other two are sisters, who are serving in Viana do Castello, which is about an hour away, north, by bus. Both of them are in their last transfers, so it's interesting. I look forward to getting to know this new position better and being in a better position to help.
Street decorations at the fair
Despite the festivities, we've been able to find some new people to teach. One of them is named Helder. He's a rather interesting guy, to say the least, but is super cool. We taught him the first lesson, and I invited him to be baptized, and he accepted! We're working with him so he can be!
Vendors at the fair; churros being made on the left

Elder Nunes has been really cool. I like him a lot. We were having some issues, or at least I was, but we are doing a lot better. He's a nice contrast to the Americans I've had haha. Nothing against Americans, it's just different. I'm definitely feeling a lot more comfortable with my Portuguese because I talk to him in Portuguese all day, haha. It can be pretty funny talking to him sometimes just cuz sometimes we'll fall into a topic of conversation where neither of us knows how to explain it in the language of the other. Our phrase these last 2 weeks has been "Vamos estar la no dia de julgamento" (I'll be there on the day of judgement). We'll laughingly say this when we have a particularly hard contact or encounter with people haha.

Elder Nunes and I eating churros that were made right in front
of us at the fair. They were amazing!!!
 I just wanna say HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!! God Bless America!!! I am so grateful for the freedoms we enjoy in America. I know that because of the freedoms we have in America, the Church was able to be restored and the Gospel can again be preached on the earth. I'm so grateful for the opportunities we have to learn and grow within the framework of His church, and in America.

Cool experience: I was fasting and praying this past week, one in thanksgiving, and two that me and Elder Nunes could have the Spirit to be with us, and that we could be guided to those who were ready to hear our message. As we were walking home from Church, a guy contacted us and asked us if the building we just left from was our church. We replied, yes. He asked us when our meetings were held, and we responded, "at 9am every Sunday, that it had just ended". He was like, 'shucks, I wanna see how it is and visit, and that he'd come next week'!!! We got his number and told him we'd talk to him this week and see him on Sunday!!!

I know that God loves us. I know that He recognizes our efforts, even when we feel we're not moving forward. I know that as we continue in faith, trusting that He's got our backs, it'll all work out, and we will achieve our goals.

I love you, family!!! Keep up the good work!!! Looks like you're all having a great time, which is good. Go swimming and stuff for me!!! hahaha

com amor,
Élder Kim do Hawaii

An "old" photo... finally uploading pictures from the beginning of my journey in Portugal.
This is an aerial photo of Porto as we were flying in/arriving, back in February.

1 comment:

  1. I am from Portugal but live in America and I do not believe in God bless America. I don't like the word about it. God bless Earth and not America. We Portuguese never said God bless Portugal. Since you are mormon and you should read the bible more carefully. Celebrating 4th of July is Pagan. The holidays are full of pagans. Read the bible more carefully! Jeez!
